In times of tough competition in the market of goods and services using such services as outsourcing – is the ideal solution, that lies in transmission on a contractual basis, certain functions to another companies, including accounting.
Entrusted your company’s accounting to Audit company “Trans-Audyt”, You will get guarantee to reduce the risk of possible errors, and as a result – from fines and damages. Annually we carry insurance of our professional liability amounting to 1 000 000 UAH.
1. Accounting:
- display of all the basic operations in accounting registers, preparation and finalization of all necessary accounting documents;
- preparation of all required reporting documents stipulated by the legislation of Ukraine and submitting them to the appropriate government authorities.
2. Tax accounting:
- processing of tax accounting data;
- performance of all required tax payments;
- submission of tax returns and reports to relevant authorities.
3. Accounting salaries according to the current legislation of Ukraine, including:
- payroll and other payments;
- calculation of contributions to the related social assets;
- preparation and submission of financial reports to the relevant authorities.
4. Preparation of reports according to the internal requirements of the enterprise:
- preparation and submission of monthly financial statements in accordance with internal corporate enterprise requirements for financial reporting;
- preparation of financial information in accordance with IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards).