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(032) 295-76-09 [email protected] Lviv, Dzherelna str., 38

  «Who owns the information, he owns the world»

The team of experts of Audit company “Trans-Audyt” always keeps hand on the pulse of current development of economics. Today, speed of changes in accounting, tax, financial and legal spheres is just fantastic. Independently to trace and to understand all changes which occur are not easy.

The logical solution, under these circumstances is to get a highly professional, reliable and accessible for understanding consultation from the experts.

More than 10 years Audit Firm “Trans – Audyt” provides professional services in consulting, including:

1. Consultation on accounting and financial reporting, including:

  • Consultations on accounting and financial reporting, which are prepared according to National Accounting Standards (NAS).
  • Consultations on the application and implementation of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)
  • Consultations on selection of accounting policy;
  • Consultations on installation and compliance with the methodology of accounting;
  • Consultations on organization of accounting;
  • Consultations on the consolidation of financial statements.

2. Consultations on taxation for all types of taxes, including:

  • Consultations on comprehensive tax planning and optimization of tax risks;
  • Analysis of business transactions in order to bring them into line with current tax and civil legislation and modelling of possible tax consequences;
  • Consultations on appeals against tax decisions, representation the taxpayer interests in the tax service;
  • Consultations on application of tax legislation, including the organization of tax accounting and tax reporting;
  • Consultations on a preliminary analysis of tax consequences of conclusion of economic agreements and avoid unwanted tax consequences for the client.

3. Consultations on management and business, including:

  • Consultations on the legal acceptance of (or the results of acceptance) management decisions regarding changes in ownership, forms of management, functions of ownership, the legitimacy of certain business transactions;
  • Consultations on organizational support of management – structuring, restructuring, reorganization, development of a new accounting system, internal control, internal audit, management in general, development internal of guidelines for officers, internal standards of corporate management.

4. Information and reference consultation of clients;

The cost of one consultation by specialists of our company is formed according to the time cost required to prepare a specific response and is:

Oral consultation for up to 10 minutes60 UAH
Oral consultation for up to 20 minutes120 UAH
Oral consultation for up to 30 minutes150 UAH
Oral consultation for up to 1 hour294 UAH
Written clearance of oral consultations on company letterheadfrom 210 UAH
Written consultation on written request from the client, depending on the complexity of questionfrom 360 UAH

Besides of single oral and written consultations, we offer consulting services on a regular basis. To this end, we offer the following packages of monthly subscription service:

- oral consultations by phone (17 requests)780 UAH
- oral consultations by phone (20 requests)
- written responses to written client’s requests (up to 2 requests per month)
- 40% discount for participation in seminars conducted by LLC "AF" Trans-Audyt"
1176 UAH
- oral consultations by phone (24 requests)
- written responses to written requests clients (up to 3 requests per month)
- 50% discount for participation in seminars conducted by LLC "AF" Trans-Audyt"
- extraordinary audit
1980 UAH
- individual approach to each client depending on the set of selected services
- free participation in seminars conducted by LLC "AF" Trans-Audyt"
- extraordinary auditу
from 3600 UAH

The above tariffs, rules and conditions are applied to any customer, along with a valid written contract, in the part that does not contrary to actual specific written contract and to oral contracts for services. When there are differences between the above rates, rules and conditions and actual agreements on services provision, a higher power has a valid contract for services.

Payment is made by bank transfer. All above prices include VAT.

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